Food Truck business serves up opportunity in the area
One coastal community working to roll out their own food truck park within the year is Rockport.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — They’re always-popular, food trucks and they’ve popped up everywhere across the coastal bend.
Each one offering a variety of tasty bites, everything from street tacos to barbecue and typically they’re not expensive.
Janet Maravilla said her mom’s mini tacos have been rolling out for the last 20 years with their food truck Taquitos Mi Sierra.
“One truck is permanent at Pep Boys in the evenings, second truck allows us to do events catering, graduations,” Maravilla said.
You can find them just about everywhere these days. On Friday they were right at Windsor Park. There’s even a festival dedicated to this growing trend.
Foodies won’t want to miss the food truck Summer Fest in July along the Bayfront at the Water’s Edge Park, but imagine something like this everyday.
“Corpus Christi really needs a place for food trucks,” Maravilla said.
Big cities like Austin and Houston are famous for their food truck park scenes. One designated area to try a little bit of everything.
“I have a friend who just moved to Houston, makes me jealous,” said area resident Marissa Pinson. “All the food trucks they have there, I think it would be popular here.”
Sarah Flores and Sabrina Lozano can also see a food truck park working here and believe it would encourage more start up trucks.
The sisters are approaching their one year anniversary since opening Loli’s Streatery.
“Hopefully that would be our dream to get a food truck park in Corpus Christi, because we’ve seen it around places,” Lazano. “We are starting slowly get our names known and hopefully do something like that.”
One coastal community working to roll out their own food truck park within the year is Rockport.
It was at a recent groundbreaking event for the new courthouse and city hall where we learned about the latest endeavor by business owners there.
“We are in Rockport once a month and they bring a crowd. I think it would be be great in Corpus too. I know people would show out for something like that,” said Flores and Lozano.
The food truck trend in Texas is only going to continue and the sisters said they’re excited for the opportunities we could see locally.
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